Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Draft Day

On Field C we had another 2015 Manager vs. Manager battle with Freddy Gonzalez managing Benson, Laffoon, Busch, Smith, Giordano, Coffman, Hite, Schapler, Wells, Linton, and Baker as the Visitors vs. Tom Hamilton managing Rivera, Scarbrough, Held, Pepin, Levesque, Zelazny, Butler, Kalister, Poke and Matthews as the home team.

Both teams posted 4 zero innings in a defensive duel but after making 8 outs in a row, Tommy's squad posted three 5 run innings in a row to take the victory with a final score of 8-18.  That's not bad considering they were down by 5 runs after the top of the sixth.

Gonzalez 3 for 4 2b
Lafoon 2 for 4 2b
Smith 2 for 4 
Giordano 2 for 4
Baker 2 for 3

Hamilton 4 for 5 2 2b 3b
Scarbrough 4 for 4 2b 3b
Held 3 for 4 2 2b
Pepin 3 for 4 3b
Levesque 3 for 4
Zelazny 2 for 4 2b 3b
Butler 2 for 4
Kalister 2 for 4
Poke 2 for 4 2b

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