Thursday, July 11, 2024

Another 3-team game in the heat, but this time there was a cloud cover for most of the game, so we got the 7 innings in.

Managers were Bob Zelazny, Ron Pepin and Robb Moots.  After 3 innings it was Moots 12, Pep 2 and Bob Z 1.  In the 4th inning Pepin made a run by scoring 7 but not much scoring after that till the 6th when Moots put up a nickel and Bob Zelazny scored 6 in the open inning for a final of Moots 18, Zelazny 10 and Pepin 10.  
Again there was only 1 hitter with 3 hits and that was Henry. 
The hitters with 2 were Kniery, Gutenberger, Ramon, O'Callaghan, Raul, Pepin, Miguel, Rounds, Jose L. Spitaleri, Howard, Reagan, Nestor, Tutrani, Zelazny, Rafael, Gonzalez, Soto and Ouding. 

Robb Moots is now 2 for 2. Can anyone beat him? 

See y'all Friday
Message brought to you by The Sizzling Grill which serves the best French fries as a side. 
Write up by L. Fabian

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