Thursday, July 25, 2024

A 3-team game today with managers Robert Spitaleri, Don Witmer and Don Ouding.  Again, it started out slow with the score after 4 innings of 4-6-4 in favor of the Witmer team. Don never relinquished that lead although Ouding did tie it up at 9 in the 5th inning but the final ended Witmer 15, Ouding 11 and Spitaleri 9.  

Some very good defensive plays again to help keep the scores low. 

The hitters 
4 hits.   Tony Q. Who we'd like to 
              welcome back. 
3 hits.   Raul, Jacob's, Testa, Rad, Kniery
              Constantine, Gutenberger, 
2 hits.   Tutrani, Gonzalez, Henry, Pablo, 
              Jorge, Moots, Jose L. w/HR 
              Vandenberg, Hudson, Ouding
              Ramon, Soto, Lopez, Howard

See y'all Friday.  Write up by L. Fabian

Message brought by Ingram Financial. 

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