Thursday, July 25, 2024

A 3-team game today with managers Robert Spitaleri, Don Witmer and Don Ouding.  Again, it started out slow with the score after 4 innings of 4-6-4 in favor of the Witmer team. Don never relinquished that lead although Ouding did tie it up at 9 in the 5th inning but the final ended Witmer 15, Ouding 11 and Spitaleri 9.  

Some very good defensive plays again to help keep the scores low. 

The hitters 
4 hits.   Tony Q. Who we'd like to 
              welcome back. 
3 hits.   Raul, Jacob's, Testa, Rad, Kniery
              Constantine, Gutenberger, 
2 hits.   Tutrani, Gonzalez, Henry, Pablo, 
              Jorge, Moots, Jose L. w/HR 
              Vandenberg, Hudson, Ouding
              Ramon, Soto, Lopez, Howard

See y'all Friday.  Write up by L. Fabian

Message brought by Ingram Financial. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Managers today were Don Ouding, Don Witmer and Wally. 

It was a very tight game all the way thru 7 innings. After 4 innings the score was 5-6-6 and ended up just as close with Ouding coming out on top after 7 innings 13-11-11.

There were lots of good hitters and some very good fielding to account for the low score.

The hitters 
4 hits.   Mike Rodriguez, Gutenberger, J-Rod
3 hits.   Tutrani, Testa, Mathew, Moots, 
              Rafael, Hudson, Vandenberg, 
2 hits.   Rounds, Jose L. Lopez, Shearer, 
              Tuchetta, Wally, Henry, Stu, Jorge,
              Witmer, Howard, Raul..

See y'all Tuesday. 

Message brought to you by Ridge Energy Savers.

Write up by L. Fabian 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

 Solivita Recap

On Thursday, January 18, 2024, the Winter Haven Travel team traveled to Solivita for a two-game match-up.

The first game was a close battle, with Winter Haven falling behind early after failing to score in the first inning. Despite some misplays, the team fought hard but ultimately lost 15-17.

In the second game, Winter Haven came out strong and maintained a lead with solid defense throughout, ultimately securing a victory with a score of 18-10.

Notable performances included:
- Mike Vaccaro hitting 3 home runs
- Don Fee hitting 3 home runs
- Rob Milron hitting 2 home runs

Overall, it was a challenging but rewarding day for the Winter Haven Travel team, showcasing their resilience and determination on the field.

This message brought by our sponsor Somewhere Sports Bar and Grill

From LGG.

Friday, July 12

A 3-team game today managed by Don Ouding, Robb Moots and Ron

 Pepin. Robb couldn't get his team going on offense today as they ended with only 4 runs. Don and Pep battled it out with Pepin coming out on top with the final of 16-11-4. And again, it was hot. 

The hitters. 
4 hits.   Pepin, J. Rod

3 hits.   Mike Rodriguez, Rad w/HR, 
              Anderson w/HR, Tutrani, Martin
              Gutenberger, Rick, J.R.
2 hits.   Henry, Nestor, Dowdy, Torres
              Ouding, Wells, Mathew


First, I would like to welcome back some players who have not been here lately for various reasons. Like covid, cancer, vacation and others. We should have had a welcome back party for Chris Constatine, Sam Lopez, Wally, Jose Rivera, John Boito and the Legendary Rich Marino. 

Now on to the game. Managers today were Wally, Robb Moots and Don Ouding. It was a sweltering hot day so a flip flop game was shortened to 6 innings. 
Final score was Wally 19, Robb 12 and Don 5. 🔥 🥵 🥞 ♨️ 

The hitters. 
4 hits.   Henry and J-Rod
3 hits.   Rounds, Ramon, Lynch, Wally
              Rivera, Shearer
2 hits.   Raul, Rad, Rodriguez, DeLoach
              Miguel, Witmer, Boston, Testa
See y'all Friday 

Message brought to you by Kincaid Electric. 
Write up by L. Fabian. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Another 3-team game in the heat, but this time there was a cloud cover for most of the game, so we got the 7 innings in.

Managers were Bob Zelazny, Ron Pepin and Robb Moots.  After 3 innings it was Moots 12, Pep 2 and Bob Z 1.  In the 4th inning Pepin made a run by scoring 7 but not much scoring after that till the 6th when Moots put up a nickel and Bob Zelazny scored 6 in the open inning for a final of Moots 18, Zelazny 10 and Pepin 10.  
Again there was only 1 hitter with 3 hits and that was Henry. 
The hitters with 2 were Kniery, Gutenberger, Ramon, O'Callaghan, Raul, Pepin, Miguel, Rounds, Jose L. Spitaleri, Howard, Reagan, Nestor, Tutrani, Zelazny, Rafael, Gonzalez, Soto and Ouding. 

Robb Moots is now 2 for 2. Can anyone beat him? 

See y'all Friday
Message brought to you by The Sizzling Grill which serves the best French fries as a side. 
Write up by L. Fabian

Monday, July 8, 2024

A heat shortened game today with 3 teams managed by Don Witmer, Robert Spitaleri and Robb Moots making his managerial debut. Some of us remember his WHSS father Richard who was very active in the league for many years. This was probably the lowest scoring 3 team game in league history.  It was Moots 5, Spitaleri 0 and Witmer 4 after 4 innings with only 2 more innings to play. Don's team didn't score again and Robert scored 6 in the 5th and Robb's team plated 5 and 3 runs in the last 2 innings for a final of 13-6-4 as Robb Moots wins his managerial debut.

There were not a lot of hits today but here they are.

Only one player had 3 hits and that was Pete Gutenberger.

The players with 2 hits were Mathew, Robb, Gonzalez, DeLoach, J.R. Dowdy, Testa, B.J. Spitaleri and Shearer.

Hence, not many runs scored BUT we all know what can happen in the last inning of a Senior ball game if there had been a 7th. 

See y'all Tuesday
Message brought to you by Tinsley Family of Companies.

Write up by L. Fabian. 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Bob Hite was in town for a while and of course came out to play a couple games. He was drafted to be one of the three managers both days and did very well on Friday the 21st, going against teams managed by Wally and Don Witmer. Final score was Hite 14, Witmer 10 and Wally 9.

4 hits.   Raul, 
3 hits.   Anderson, Turchetta, Testa, Kathie, DeLoach, Spitaleri
              Vandenberg, Jorge, Gutenberger, B.J. Witmer
2 hits.   Mike Rodriguez, Rounds, J.R. Robb, Hite, Castilleja
              Gutenberger, Hudson, Henry, Ramon, Jose. 

Moving on to June 26th
Bob's team didn't fare as well this time against fellow managers Pat Lopiccolo and Robert Spitaleri.  Final score was 20-19-7. 
So, Bob headed north the next morning with a gold and bronze.
He did indicate he'd be back for League play in the Fall
4 hits.   Rounds, Gonzalez, Gutenberger w/HR, 
3 hits.   Jose L. Castilleja, Dampier w/HR, Reagan, Henry, Testa
              Rafael, B.J.
2 hits.   Lynch, Jorge, Vandenberg, Mike Rodriguez, Anderson,   
              Tutrani, J-Rod, Lopiccolo
See y'all Tuesday

This message brought to you by our sponsor Kians Dental
Write up by L. Fabian.