Thursday, June 20, 2024

Tuesday, June 18th

3 managers today were Bob Zelazny, Don Witmer and Robert Spitaleri. After 3 innings it was 9-9-7 with Spitaleri sporting the 7 and his team pretty much fell asleep after that until the open inning when the put up a nickel for a total of 12. Bob Z and Don W fought it out the rest of the way but Bob's team recorded goose eggs the last 2 innings and Witmer kept scoring every inning for a final of 18-14-22 in favor of the Witmer team. 

The hitters

4 hits.   Raul, Jose L. 
3 hits.   Gonzalez, Mike Rodriguez, Henry, 
              Zelazny w/ HR, Gutenberger, Hudson
2 hits.   J.R. Tuchetta, Fleming, Ramon, Robb, 
              DeLoach, Witmer, Rounds, Testa, Learn
              Vandenberg, Dampier, Lynch, Pablo, 
              Anderson, Rafael, Howard, Castilla, 
              Jorge w/HR, Miguel, King. 

See y'all Friday. Message brought to you by our 
                            sponsor Sizzling Grill.

Write up by Loren Fabian

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