Monday, June 10, 2024

Friday, June 7th

A very close 2 team game today managed by Robert Spitaleri and Don Witmer.  It was cut to 8 innings due to the heat. Don's team scored 5 runs in 3 innings and 4 runs in the open inning for 19 total. They were ahead 10-4 after 3 innings when Spitaleri team started scoring. The Witmer team was ahead 15-12 heading to the top of the open inning. Spitaleri rang up 8 runs with many coming after 2 outs to take a 20-15 lead and Don's team could only come up with 4 runs for a final score of 20-19. Nestor and Mike Rodriguez both made fantastic running catches in left center for Don's team and Bill Testa countered on Spitaleri's team with a fine backhand, leaping catch of a sharp liner headed for right center.

Mike Rodriguez also led all hitters going 5-5 with 4 singles and a double. The rest of the hitters are

4 hits.   Nestor, Henry, Tutrani, Dampier, Fleming
3 hits.   Testa, Spitaleri, Kathie, Castilleja, Toro, 
              Witmer, Marino
2 hits.   Constantine, Vandenberg, B.J. Miguel,

I will also note that Ray Howard checked in with only 1 hit today, but it was a bases clearing HR down into the right field corner in that 8 run open inning. 

This message brought to you by our sponsor Stewart Auto Repair

Write up by Loren Fabian. 

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