Monday, September 9, 2024

Tuesday, September 3rd

Managers today were Wally, Zelazny and Spitaleri. Spitaleri came out hot with 5 runs in the 1st inning and leading 1-2-5 after 3 innings. Wally and Zelazny teams did little offensively as the both ended with runs totalling 5.  Spitilari team had big innings in the 4th and 6th to end up with 14. Final 14-5-5. There were no games on Friday the 6th due to wet fields so here are the hitters from last Tuesday. 

3 hits.  Raul, Lynch, Raymundo, Spitaleri 
             Jorge, Tutrani, Nestor, 
2 hits.  Henry, Mathew, Toro, DeRidder, 
             Zelazny, Rad, Testa, J.R. 

That's all folks. See ya Tuesday. 
This message brought by Sizzling Grill

Write up by L. Fabian 

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