Monday, August 19, 2024

Friday, August 16th

3 teams today managed by Zelazny, Lopez and Wally. Bob Z's team hit well today but every ball was hit right to a defensive player. In spite of his bad luck, he managed to score 4 runs thru the 7 innings. This was the first time in quite a while to play the 7th innings due to heat. Temperature was great with a breeze. Sam and Wally battled it out with a score of 13-12 after 6 with Wally on top. The open inning belonged to Wally as the posted 7 runs and Sam's team could only muster 2 for a final of 20-14-4.  I will note that J-Rod has made some fantastic plays at SS the last couple games. Deep in the hole and firing a rocket across to 1st base to get speedy runners and racing behind 3B to snag foul balls. Fun to watch. 

The hitters. 
4 hits.   Constantine, Lynch, Spellman
3 hits.   Mike R. Ramon, Tony L. DeLoach 
              Fleming, Henry, Stu, J-Rod, 
2 hits.   Tutrani, Toro, Lopez, Guzzo, Wally

Message sponsored by Jarrett Gordon Ford.
 Write up by L. Fabian 

PS. Remember after the game Tuesday, there will be a QOV Award Ceremony for 8 deserving veterans including 4 members of WHSS. Also, any ball playing Veterans who have not been awarded a QOV please see me for an application as there is another Ceremony planned during the Winter League. Probably in January. See y'all Tuesday. 

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