Monday, May 2, 2022


I think everyone knows that the start time for our games has been changed to 9:00 AM. Everyone needs to be there no later than 8:30 AM. It is important that we have an accurate count of players that want to play ball in order to determine how many teams that we will have. Lately, there have been several players that have shown up around 8:45 AM after we have made the decision on how many teams that we will have that day. This has resulted in 15 players on a team which ain't no fun. If everyone will get there on time, we will try to make sure that does not happen. If you are going to be late, call me at 863.860.5381 and I will sign you in. If you are an American League player that wants to play in the National League because there are not enough American League players, you need to sign in so I will know what you want to do. 


Don Witmer, Commissioner

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