Saturday, June 12, 2021


On Tuesday, we had a two team-13 player per team game. Six players from the American League joined 20 players from the National League for a fun time. The commissioner umpired the game. We try to put the same number of American League players on each team to make it fair. Fabian had a VA appointment this morning so he was only around for the first inning. The managers were Bob Hite and Bob Zelazny and when Fabian left to go the the VA the score was tied 3-3. The score stayed close until the eight inning when Hite's team scored 5 runs. Final score was 14-9. 

On Friday, everyone had recovered from the weekend tournament so we had a three team game with 13 players on two teams and one team with 12 players. We still can't get enough American League players to have an American League game so we will combine leagues whenever we have to. We are still doing the flip-flop in the last inning for three team games. The team with the most runs after six innings becomes the home team and sits in the last inning, the team with the least runs bats first and the second place team defenses against them. The second place team then bats and the first place team defenses against them. If the last place team or the second place team doesn't catch them, the game is over. In todays game, the second place team went ahead of the home team by three runs. The home team had to bat and the second place team had to protect their three run lead. The home team was in the middle of their line up when the inning started. The leadoff batter started the inning with a hit and they home team never made an out before they scored 4 runs. Final score 20-19. The third place team did manage to score 12 runs but it was not close enough. 

It is starting to get hot in Florida and the humidity is getting higher. We will probably start playing less innings as the summer progresses. The heat took its toll on Loren Fabian this past weekend when he umpired the FHC games at Walker Road. In his fourth game of the day, he had to go to the hospital and get hydrated after suffering a minor heat stroke. He was given Sunday off but was doing great today. 

Write ups by Loren Fabian and Don Witmer


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