A Note from Elmer Black, Chairman of the Christmas Angle Tree Program:
Hello WHSS Snowbirds, I know, I know, it is still Summer, but before you know it will be time to renew your
2018-2019 membership. Why not include an extra twenty dollars or whatever you wish, so that we can purchase
a Christmas gift for our Angel Tree, that will please a kid at Christmas time, who without our small donation will
not be receiving a gift from Santa Clause.
Last year was our first Angel Tree for Lake Elbert Elementary School and we were able to please 42 kids, many more did not
receive a gift. This year I will be asking the School for 50 names and if we have money for extra we will try to fill
the void. The School has many students that can use our help. Thanking you in advance.
Regards Elmer Black