It was a little iffy today if we were even going to play, we had a little rain and significant winds. As it turned out there was nothing to worry about. The weather at game time was spectacular. We had the Bob Challenge today with Bobby Vandenberg, Bobby Spitalari, and Bob Zelazny managing teams
Team Zelazny took a four run lead going into the second inning but only managed one run the rest of the way, coming in a distant third. If I was in the booth, I would say the bats were cold. No one batted a 1000%.
Team Spitalari was silent for the first two innings and then broke through scoring 14 runs in the next six innings They were leading after their at bats in the 7th. Key hitters for Bob's team included Freddie Dampier and Bill Rutan, both going 3 for 3..
Team Vandenberg came out on top, scoring three runs in the seventh to take the lead and the game. Key hitters included Doug McKinney and Alf Gibbons going 4 for 4, and Jeff Robineau going 3 for 3.
Final score was Team Zelazny 6, Team Spitalari 14, Team Vandenberg 16. The winning pitcher was Bob Vandenberg
Brief update on a couple of our players:
Donnie continues to improve and they plan on transferring him to a rehab center in Lakeland today or tomorrow.
Henry Riverio remains in Winter Haven Hospital room 150.There has been some improvement but it appears he has a long way to go.
Ernesto Cruz who received an ankle injury Tuesday is at home and on the mend. The doctor determined it was not a torn achilles tendon.
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